i-walk family

Clean 300m2 in just 1 minute of your time

It’s not just about cleaning

Level up your Cleaning Routine

Maximize cleaning efficiency without wasting time. Combine powerful, modern co-botic technology with the unmatched cleaning results of an i-mop XL. In less than a minute, you can get the machine operational and get on with other tasks.


Efficiency Redefined

It takes less than 1 minute to put the i-walk to work which safes time for other tasks.


The best of both worlds

i-walk offers co-botization combined with the i-mop cleaning performance.


Less water and chemicals

Uses 70% less water and chemicals compared to manually cleaning, thanks to its advanced recovery system.

Eliminating Floor Hazards

Super dry floor reduces slip accidents because of the advanced suction technology.

No more repetitive work

Improves the lives of cleaners by taking over repetitive work.

Want to know more about the i-mop?

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