i-power family

No more wasting time looking for power outlets
Just turn it on and go
No more wasting time looking for power outlets. Just turn it on and go. The complete freedom of movement wherever, whenever makes your cleaning routine way more efficient. For instance, the process of cleaning a hotel with a vacuum cleaner means that you have to unwind, plug in, plug out and rewind the cord in every room. This process costs you 30 seconds every time. A hotel with 20 rooms adds up to € 1000 savings per year.
Battery powered machines at your disposal
Having a whole fleet of battery-powered machines at your disposal without compromising on power helps you get outstanding cleaning results in a very efficient manner.

Prevents unnecessary power consumption
Lowering impact on the environment
Our charger stops charging when a battery is fullyloaded preventing unnecessary power consumption.Our battery management system ensures longevityof i-power further lowering the impact on theenvironment.
Improve health and safety
With no trailing cables to cause hazards, battery powered cleaning machines greatly improve health and safety.

Better for everyone
With extensive and impressive run times, and minimal charge times, i-power offers a reliable power source that is ideal for a range of cleaning products working throughout the day.
Want to know more about the i-power?